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WTF recognizes there is a definitely strength in numbers , which is why we designed a group training program that is amongst the finest in the area. The feeling of learning how to train like a pro in MMA and Boxing , gives a women an empowered and confident feeling. The group training programs also allows clients to become a support system for one another, helping each other reach their personal health goals . Kickboxing is a great aerobic exercise , that will get your heart pumping and help strengthen bones and muscles, burn more calories and lift mood while feeling empowered. Class members will learn basic to advanced techniques in strike and footwork while also have tons of fun!!
Private Group Fit programs are designed with the “groups” overall fitness goal in mind. Whether its weight loss , muscle tone, flexibility or a combination. Groups can be teams , businesses , families, friends or whatever type of group you are looking to get together for a common fitness goal. The program allows participants to focus on their own group goal without the distraction of larger group atmosphere . Groups can vary as few as 4 to as many as 20.Corporate Fit is a type of Private Group Fit designed specifically for corporations. Now more than ever before, corporations are beginning to recognize the manner of where health impacts their bottom lines. It's quite simple , a healthy employee equals a more productive employee equals a better end of the year balance sheet. To satisfy this growing need, WTF develops customized wellness programs that appeal to clients in both large and small corporate societies. *On sight training is available for corporate fit .*